Pumpkin Eggnog made from scratch is the most amazing fall taste ever. You will Love this drink!

Oh I know I’m not the only one who LOVES pumpkin and who LOVES eggnog right? I can’t be! Combining these two flavors for an amazing fall experience? For the best taste of fall? YES YES PLEASE! I know you guys will fall for this recipe (haha see what I did there???)

I’m going to tell you a few fun facts about Pumpkin Eggnog…My husband doesn’t love eggnog from the store. In fact he won’t touch it. After much begging he tried this and thought it was amazing (because it is). So, this is that recipe that restores people back to amazing real Eggnog. It’s different than store bought (which is FINE). If you are expecting it to taste exactly like store bought it won’t – it’s better! Also, it’s actually super easy to make. I promise. I thought it would take forever or be a lot of work – um nope. Pumpking Eggnog is super easy to make from scratch!
What do you need to make Home Made Pumpking Eggnog? You need:
- A chilled bowl
- Pumpkin Puree
- Eggs
- WHOLE milk (I ususally have just skim – you can’t use that you need WHOLE milk to make it delish)
- Heavy Cream
- Pumpkin Spice
- Sugar
- Eggs
The rest is just you and some magic!

You know we adore fall, the holidays and everything Pumpkin related…so if you need some more inspiration – we are here to help you!
We have so many fun holiday related recipes – be sure to look around at Thanksgiving and Christmas recipes! I LOVE the holidays. AND for a new twist of Pumpkin Spice – check out Mildly Meandering’s Pumpkin Spice Cold Brew Coffee! It’s so good!
Pumpkin Eggnog

- 2 Eggs, separated
- 1/4 C Sugar
- 2 tsp sugar
- 1/4 C Pumpkin puree
- 1/2 C Whole milk
- 1/4 C Heavy cream
- 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
- Optional 1 1/2 ounces Bourbon
- Freeze a large bowl (glass or stainless steel) for 30 minutes or more
- Use a mixer and NOT the freezer bowl a different bowl (stand or hand mixer either one is fine) whip eggs yolks. Whip until yolks color lightens (longer than you think!)
- Drizzle in 1/4 C sugar - keep mixing. Add pumpkin puree and keep mixing until all is mixed well
- While still mixing, start drizzling in milk and cream. Add Pumpkin Pie Spice (keep mixing) and Bourbon is desired
- Rinse off your beaters
- Take bowl out of freeezer and add egg whites to the bowl
- Using mixer start beating/whipping the egg whites until stiff peaks form. Once you have stiff peaks whisk in the 2 tsp of sugar
- Fold the egg whites into the yolk mixture
- two choices - serve immediately OR you can place in the fridge for an hour (up to 3 days) to get the eggnog a bit thicker
Happy Holidays my friends!

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