Bring your cocktails to life with Basil Pepper Infused Vodka! Easy to make and perfect for gift-giving too! Your Bloody Mary will thank you!
I know I know. You are all yelling at the computer “We get it! YOU LIKE VODKA!” and yes, yes I do. I love the fact that you can make almost ANY flavor you want of vodka – how fun is that? You can always have something with a slightly different taste to compliment the drink you are going to make.
I was discussing this – again – with one of my chef’s from work. I said I need to make a great Bloody Mary vodka but what can I make that isn’t already out there. Somehow we landed on basil because basil and tomatoes go incredibly well together. We landed on the pepper because you needed to have another flavor with the sweet basil. I know that this vodka might sound “out there” but believe me in the right cocktail it is perfect. You get the sweetness of the basil up front with a slight pepper in the back.
This isn’t super hot like an Absolute Pepper, I didn’t want it so spicy that it would cancel the basil. It has a little heat, but a ton of flavor!
Basil Pepper Infused Vodka

- 2 C of vodka
- 1/2 tsp black peppercorns
- 12-15 whole leaves of fresh basil
- Put vodka in a mason jar or similar container
- Add peppercorns and basil leaves
- Let sit at least 2-3 days to get full flavor
- Strain and enjoy!
Two of my favorites!