Enjoy the Perfect Peach Frozen Cocktail – it’s easy and simple to make – without using mixers! Mix one of these up today!!!
Perfect Peach Frozen Cocktail
Somedays you just need something fruity and delicious – and somedays you need to add vodka into that fruity delicious! Today is one of those days. The Perfect Peach Frozen Cocktail is just so yum you’re going to need to try it for yourself.
I’m not a fan of buying mixers to make drinks – if you’re getting out your blender anyways – just make it with real fruit! I used frozen peaches in the Perfect Peach and it was a good choice! While pre-made mixers are filled with extras (like no real fruit and tons of sugar) making your own with your own fruit you get to choose how sweet you want your drink. So if you like it on the sweeter side – definitely add some sugar in here somewhere – I was good with the natural sweetener of the fruit.
I used frozen peaches for a couple of reasons – one mainly being that you can get them at the store ANYTIME! So it will be easy to make your Perfect Peach Frozen Cocktail even when peaches are out of season! WIN!
If you’re loving this drink you need to check out some of our others:
Frozen Key Lime Martini
Adult Cherry Limeade

Watermelon Cooler Cocktail

Perfect Peach Frozen Cocktail
This sounds like it would be delicious even without alcohol!